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Arts Future Asia Awards

1st Prize
(1 person)
Recipient of the ‘1st Prize’ will receive US $10000, and the offer of a 1 month Artist in residency program in Hong Kong and the participation of the exhibition in HK.
2nd Prize
(2 people)
Recipients of the ‘2nd Prize’ will receive US $3500 and the participation of the exhibition in HK
Hong Kong Prizes
(2 people)
"Chan Kwan Biu Memorial Foundation" Art Futures — Hong Kong Prize 2023
1 recipient from Hong Kong Institutions (or Hong Kong Residents) and the participation of the exhibition in HK
Art Futures — Hong Kong Prize 2023
1 recipient from Hong Kong Institutions (or Hong Kong Residents) and the participation of the exhibition in HK
3rd Prize
(3 people)
Recipients of the ‘3rd Prize’ will receive US $1500 and the participation of the exhibition in HK
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